Parents who choose to space children more than three years apart can find many benefits. By the age of 4 or 5, a child is really ready to participate in the care of a new baby. She can feel the baby belongs to her. She can lean to feed, to rock, to hold, to comfort and to play with the new baby. Once she recovers from the initial disappointment that the new baby isn't her own age and her equal in the games she's planned, she can begin to participate with her parents in the game of learning about a ney baby and watching the baby achieve each new developmental step.
ADHD in toddler
Understanding ADHD in toddlers are interested points for many parents and proffesional that work and live directly with toddlers. Around 3% to 10% of all children have an issue with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Understanding ADHD in toddlers are interested points for many parents and proffesional that work and live directly with toddlers. Around 3% to 10% of all children have an issue with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)